Property for Sale

Property for Sale – Privately Speaking, 5 Things You Should do Before you List!

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Ready to take out an ad that reads “Property for Sale”? Privately, you’re not ready to list your home. In fact, there are a lot of things that need to happen before you sell your home, but do you know what needs to be done before listing it? That’s right, it’s a lot of cleaning– but there are also other simple tasks that are just as necessary to accomplish, and can actually make it a lot easier to sell your home.


1. Declutter Your Space

The best way to hook a buyer into your home is to let them see the house in all of its natural beauty- and that means that most of your stuff has to go. Your home needs to have a simple, minimal look in staging photos and even open houses, so that the buyers can see the space for themselves and not have to trip over your personal clutter. Make sure not to just shove everything in a closet, though- your buyers want to see the whole house, and it reflects badly on you if you don’t let your buyers see the whole house. If you need to, rent out a storage unit just for the duration of the sale, so that you have a safe space to keep all of your knick-knacks and treasures that buyers don’t want to see.

2. Keep Your Garden Tidy

Keeping your lawn mowed and your gardens tidy is one of the easiest ways to increase your home’s curb appeal. Just by introducing a few new flowers to the beds and keeping the grass cut, your buyers can already see just how lovely your home really is! If you have trouble keeping up with weeds, or are not sure you can care for a full flower bed, consider putting decorative rocks in. They look great for your home, and will not ever wilt for your pictures. If you want your home to have a nice, inviting interior, too, you might consider houseplants! There are plenty of plants- both real and fake- that can make your home look like a great place to hang out, and they help add a sense of life to an area that might have otherwise felt sterile or dull.

3. Look Into Home Inspections

Home inspections are a key part of the selling process, and it might be useful to you to figure out what’s wrong with your home before you sell it. If there is any major problem, you can use that to revise your plan on how to sell, or you can get people in to fix the issue before your buyers start asking questions. From simple fixes to major problems, home inspections see everything that you might not. They are a lifesaver when selling your home, and can even tell you if you shouldn’t be living there anymore.

4. Repaint, But Don’t Remodel

You want your home to look fresh and new when you’re selling it, but remodelling isn’t always the right option. It’s expensive, for one, and remodelling doesn’t always add that much value onto your home. Instead, you should opt for repainting instead of scuttling around trying to make the house look modern. Repainting your rooms gives them a brand new look on the world, and ensures that you can cover up any pre-existing scuff marks, stains, or even odd colourations that you may have had before.

5. Consider Professional Staging

If you’re having trouble finding the right way to present your rooms, don’t hesitate to hire professional stagers. They know the perfect way to sell your home, and they’ll do it for a minimum fee. If you’re lost on how the living room should look, or how to sell your kitchen to a newcomer, professional stagers know exactly what to do. They’re a great tool to use as you sell, because they know the best way to showcase how beautiful your home actually is.

Listing Your Home

There are a lot of things that need to get done before you can create an ad that reads “Property for Sale.” Privately speaking, you’re probably not ready yet, but this list can help. From cleaning to decluttering, it is easy to make your home staging-ready in just a few simple steps. Now all you need to do is find a good realtor, and you can be ready to sell your home.

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