How to Clean a Blender

How to Clean a Blender Step-By-Step

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There are many ways to clean your blender. Some people use dish soap, baking soda, and even vinegar. However, using just one of these items may not be enough to clean your blender. The following steps will help you clean your blender properly. Make sure to follow the directions carefully! You can also use Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. Using these three simple tools will prevent the blender from becoming clogged with food, and will leave your blender looking as good as new.


Baking soda

If you are tired of dealing with smelly ingredients in your blender, you can use a baking soda solution to remove the smell. Simply pour one and a half tablespoons of baking soda into the blender, cover it with the lid, and let it sit for at least five to 10 minutes. You can then use dish soap and hot water to remove the paste. The baking soda also neutralizes acidic odors.

For a gentle cleaning, you can also mix baking soda with vinegar. The two will work together to make a paste that will remove all traces of dirt and grease. To use this solution, you should add some water briefly, but not more than you need. You can repeat the process several times, so it doesn’t get too soapy. Then, rinse your blender with the mixture to remove any remaining soap.

Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner

If you’re looking for a green cleaner for your blender, Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaners are the answer. The concentrated formula can remove tough food residue and stains without the use of bleach. It can also deodorize without leaving a residue. The scented formula is a safe alternative to the harsh chemicals found in many other cleaning solutions. Simply spray it on a paper towel and wipe the entire blender down with the paper towel.

The Concentrate formula of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaners can be used on a variety of surfaces. This cleaner is perfect for medium to large cleaning tasks. You can dilute it at 1:10 or 1:30 with water to clean your blender. You can also apply it manually on any surface. This environmentally safe solution is recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice Program and is also biodegradable.


You may be wondering how to clean a blender with vinegar. Well, there are several ways to clean it effectively. However, if you are going to use red wine vinegar, you should know that it tends to tint the jar. Besides that, red wine vinegar can corrode certain metals. Another option is to use lemon juice instead of vinegar. Lemon juice is a good deodorizer, and it is perfect for removing sticky spots from a blender. Probably, the sticky spots are leftover sugars from the smoothie you poured.

If you’re not comfortable using a cleaning solution containing alcohol, you can also use dish soap or baking soda. While these won’t be as effective as vinegar, they will get rid of the toughest stains. And if you’re worried about smells, baking soda is a great alternative. Regardless of your preferred method, you can’t go wrong with these three cleaning agents.

Simple Green

Clean blenders can be a real pain, but there are simple green cleaning solutions that make the process easier. The first step is to use an all-purpose cleaner, which is an all-in-one cleaning solution for most surfaces. Once applied, wipe with a soft cloth. Next, do a deeper clean by disassembling the blender and cleaning the internal parts. Depending on the type of jar, cleaning the blender differently may involve different ingredients and steps. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions.

Next, spray the exterior of the blender with a Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner. After cleaning the exterior, wipe the inside of the blender with a paper towel to remove any leftover cleaner. You can also place the blender in the dishwasher and clean it this way. Once it’s clean, you can use Simple Green to clean other appliances as well, like the sink or dishwasher. It’s also helpful to use dish soap to clean the insides of the blender.

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